Challenging Yourself: Overcoming Fear and Welcoming Change

Challenging Yourself Sometimes, we float through life without really challenging ourselves. We choose relationships, activities, and jobs because they’re easy, or because that’s what we think we’re supposed to do, not because they’re right for us. This causes us to fall into a cycle of comfort and complacency; we don’t test ourselves by trying anything …

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Bad Phone Habits: Constant Checking and Mindless Scrolling

Bad Phone Habits: Constant Checking and Mindless Scrolling It seems to me that cell phones have become the ultimate accessory; everyone has one, and it's almost always glued to their hands. Sure, there are upsides (instant internet access wherever you are), but we spend so much time on our phones when we really don't need …

Continue reading Bad Phone Habits: Constant Checking and Mindless Scrolling